why did the Figs
tangle us together,
Lioness and Buffalo?
sometimes, I can smell
the dust of the Sun…
feel far away
wrapped around
me like a warm day…
taste the laughter that
drips from your lips
into the darkness
of my discomfort.
the Lions are roaring again…
you want more than I can give.
against my nature
you swallow me whole,
eat me alive, greedily
devour everything that
makes me who I am.
tell me how you love me
so my voiceless heart
can break the silence
with the beating beast
it often becomes.
you’ll never understand
this thing that I am.
this hungry predator,
this stalking mind,
this endless, roaring night.
why did the Figs
tangle us together?
why did their Roots sink
through the Earth,
reaching from my side
to yours, entwining me
in your unyielding snare?
why did the Figs
tangle us together
to remind me that
I am not ready for
another dominating bull
at my den door?
Buffalo, run away
with your herd…
Lioness is hunting
With her pride.
*Poems and artworks by Sara Kian-Judge 2021