Sea Eagles are
born twice:
once from Mother,
once from Egg
as though the pain
of her bearing is
learned, respected
in the pain of
tiny legs pushing,
push, push,
pushing down
the barriers,
the safety walls,
the drip feed yolk.
this time, baby chick,
you gotta work
for it yourself –
get to know
your own strength
and want to live.
Mother and Father
called before
you came, singing
you from the Egg.
we’ve been waiting
so patiently!
overwhelming as
the shell falls from
your beautiful face,
eyes meeting Sky
for the first time.
welcome to the
world, new little
Sea Eagle.
look at you, just
look at you!
always knew you
were in there;
always knowing
you are out there,
right now…
a thought to
hold onto.
Country is singing
welcome songs
into your ears.
push, push, push
yourself free
little Sea Eagle,
tumble into the
world with wet
wings wanting to
soar! but that’s
tomorrow’s dream…
hard work
being born twice,
so tonight snuggle
into Mothers warm
Feathers and the
fresh, clean
Eucalyptus Leaves
of your tall Nest.
*Poems and artworks by Sara Kian-Judge 2021