Proprioceptive Drawing 2
I've already written about my proprioceptive sensory experiences and why I draw them as proprioceptively distorted animals in another...
Proprioceptive Drawing 2
eye contact with Bats
weaving a warrior
9 #metoo (SUPPORT)
2 spirit yarn (COURAGE)
1 after the Flood (DEATH)
7 everyday warrior (BELONGING)
19 weaving a warrior (RESISTANCE)
13 sparrow-hawk (VIGILANCE)
3 same stitch (CONNECTION)
12 fair skin blakfulla (IDENTITY)
14 they watch (INSIGHT)
15 cellular me (ACCEPTANCE)
10 perspective (REFLECTION)
11 lemon corymbia (VITALITY)
17 for my bub (DREAMS)
6 tangled (AGENCY)
Bat Magic